Author: innerathletenh

Daily Habits for a Better Life

Get outside early in the day: Even if it’s just for a few moments, there is something I have always loved about the calm and silence first thing in the morning. It could be something physical like a walk, run, or bike ride. Sometimes I will just go out in my backyard and look out […]

Squat Everyday!

Even if you don’t exercise regularly, there is one thing you could do everyday that would significantly help with mobility, overall strength, and help with back and knee pain. Squat. What is a squat?. It’s a basic movement pattern we all instinctively know how to do as babies but we lose over time. Every time […]

It’s All About Balance

Growing up I was an anxious kid. It’s part of the reason I started working out. It was a great outlet for me.When other things in my life felt out of control,at the gym, I was in control. I would plan my pre workout meal then follow the program I had planned for myself that […]