Daily Habits for a Better Life

Get outside early in the day:

Even if it’s just for a few moments, there is something I have always loved about the calm and silence first thing in the morning. It could be something physical like a walk, run, or bike ride. Sometimes I will just go out in my backyard and look out into the woods. It’s a great time to think about what you want out of the upcoming day.

Learn something new:

As I have gotten older I’ve discovered more things that interest me. Whether it’s cooking music, science, history, or something pertaining to my field in health and fitness, I try to learn something new everyday.

Be in the moment:

While it is important to be motivated and plan for the future, it is equally important to be present in the moment and reflect on everything in your past, good or bad that has brought you to this current time.

Make yourself laugh:

This one can be easier for some than others. Listen to your favorite comedian, radio show or tv show. Spend time around loved ones with infants, they’re always funny. For me, playing with my dogs and just observing their utter joy and confusion, makes me smile.

Make others laugh:

Even if you are not naturally outgoing or even that funny, it’s surprisingly easy to make people laugh. Even if it’s not a home run, the act of making an effort to brighten someone’s day can do wonders.

Do something good for your body:

If you are not exercising currently, start with walking or a bodyweight strength routine. If you are exercising but your nutrition isn’t that great, start by incorporating one healthy food into your daily routine. Try taking in more water, or some green tea, or more vegetables.